While there was a sharp rise in the number of insolvencies opened in Austria, particularly in the real estate sector, the number of insolvencies opened in many other countries has not changed despite inflation and rising interest rates. This is also confirmed by the following overview: almost half of our Schoenherr offices have seen a change, while the situation in the other half has remained unchanged.
The map below gives an overview of the answers to these two questions:
Shareholders of Austrian limited liability companies ("GmbH") often stipulate the right to purchase the shares of co-shareholders in certain events. These "share purchase rights" (Aufgriffsrechte) entitle the remaining shareholders to acquire the share of a shareholder when a contractually defined event (Aufgriffsfälle), like insolvency or the death of a shareholder, occurs. Often these rights are laid down in articles of association or a separate shareholders' agreement (Syndikatsvertrag). They are generally qualified as option rights.
As of 17 July 2021 the EU restructuring directive1 was implemented in Austria by the new Austrian Restructuring Code (ReC). The ReC allows debtors to enter formal restructuring proceedings before actually becoming insolvent. To minimise the disruption to debtor's operations, the proceedings are not public, a ban on enforcement of collateral can be implemented and the rights of counterparts to amend or terminate existing contracts are significantly curtailed.
Editorial | Restructuring Directive
Am 16.06.2021 wurde von der Bundesregierung der Entwurf der neuen Restrukturierungsordnung (ReO), mit der die RL (EU) 2019/1023 (RestrukturierungsRL) umgesetzt wird, beschlossen (siehe hier).
Am 23.02.2021 wurde der lang erwartete Entwurf der Restrukturierungsordnung veröffentlicht. Mit dem Entwurf soll die Richtlinie (EU) 2019/1023 (RestrukturierungsRL) in Österreich umgesetzt werden.
Der Entwurf in 5 Fragen
Erleichterung der Sanierung durch Möglichkeit einer gerichtlich bestätigten Mehrheitsentscheidung der Gläubiger.
With the fourth law on COVID-19, the Austrian legislator has suspended the obligation of an overindebted debtor to file for insolvency until 30 June 2020, irrespective of the cause of the over-indebtedness. Some other countries in the CEE region have also adopted measures to combat the consequences of COVID-19 as detailed in the following overview:
The right to set-off claims and obligations in insolvency proceedings is an important tool for creditors in order to protect themselves against the insolvency risk of a contractual counterparty. This article gives a short overview of the rules for set-off in insolvency proceedings in Austria and certain CEE jurisdictions not taking into account special provisions for close-out netting and similar transactions.
Set-off in insolvency proceedings
Suppose you were a German bank lending to a Spanish debtor under a loan agreement governed by German law. Once your Spanish debtor stops paying, the bank would have to obtain a German legal judgment and would then have to enforce it in Spain. Any measure to secure the debtor's assets in the meantime, is typically subject to the jurisdiction where the asset is located, or subject to lengthy recognition proceedings. Having to resort to local law measures usually puts foreign creditors in a worse-off position than local ones.